I have to tell you something, one of my biggest pet peeves is seeing people make their New Years Resolutions. It's not because I have a problem with people wanting to better themselves; that I actually love. The problem is that a lot of the time there's nothing to back these resolutions up, so something like 80% of resolutions are already abandoned by February.
I've found a combination of goal-setting strategies that works for me, and this year I've decided to implement a new layer to help me stay big-picture focused: I have chosen a word to define 2019 for myself. As you can see, I have chosen the word "Mindful," and thus I will be more mindful in everything I do this year.
Read more about how I chose my word and what it means to me after the jump!
How I Chose My Word
I actually got the idea to add this into my goal-setting system from an awesome podcast called Style Your Mind by Cara Alwill Leyba. She's the powerhouse behind The Champagne Diet and author of numerous empowering books, and the podcast has been my go-to for when I need motivation and inspiration.
To start, I made a list of things I have been feeling the past year that I didn't want to feel as much in the upcoming year. This wasn't really an organized list, more like a big old word vomit of feelings and things I wish I could change that I had done and things I knew I could do differently.
How I Will Be Mindful in 2019
To be mindful, it really is a shift in my lifestyle, as well as my thinking. There's 5 categories to think about in your life: Health/Wellness, Religion/Spirituality, Marriage/Romance, Family/Friends, and Career/Business.
- Health/Wellness // I will be mindful of the foods I eat and in what quantities. I will listen to my body and pay attention when it tells me something is wrong.
- Marriage/Romance // I will be mindful of my husband's feelings and connect with him to resolve problems. I will be more aware of how my actions and emotional responses to stress affect our marriage and work with my husband to find better solutions.
- Family/Friends // I will be mindful of my family and of the friends currently present in my life. I will be open to new friendships, and realize that others are open to mine. I will also remember that I have no obligation to stay friends with anyone who is bringing negativity and drama, despite the length, depth, and persistence of the friendship.
- Career/Business // I will be mindful of where I need to focus my energy and where I am wasting precious time on menial tasks. I will assure that my time is always being used productively, and will work to improve my workplace through my actions.
- Religion/Spirituality // I will be mindful of the beliefs and practices of others. I will dedicate myself to learning more about various faith systems to better understand the triumphs, concerns, and lives of the people around me.
I would love to hear what word(s) you have chosen to define 2019!
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