I was recently sent samples of some of LimeLight by Alcone's skincare line by the lovely Jayne of jaynemicaela.com to try out. Now lately I've heard a lot of great things about LimeLight, so I was excited to get to try some of their product for myself!
Jayne sent me a 3-Day supply of LimeLight's Skin Polish, Calm Balm, and Dream Clean, as well as a catalog of their products and how to use them effectively.
The skincare section of the catalog had a little schedule of when you should use each product depending on your skin type. My skin is combination/oily and acne prone, so I chose to go with that schedule and simplify it to just the three samples I was given.

I was a little overwhelmed by how many products were in the skincare line as a whole, and I don't know if I can imagine using that many products on my face daily. I would, however use two of the the three products I was able to try.
My absolute favorite of these three was the Skin Polish, an exfoliator to be used once or twice a week. It has a gritty but satisfying texture on the skin and smells exactly like Lemonheads candy.
I think personally the Calm Balm wasn't quite right for my skin. The Skin Polish and Dream Clean felt really nice but my skin has always been really sensitive towards moisturizers and my chin actually broke out pretty badly. It wasn't the product itself I don't think, just my skin's sensitivity to it.
All in all I was pretty impressed with LimeLight. Especially that Skin Polish. I can't say enough good things about it! I'll probably be ordering a full sized version of it soon. My skin felt amazing after using it!
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