Love is full of clichés, and there's nothing wrong with that. He really does know me better than I know myself. He is my light, my best friend, my home. He gives me butterflies and drives me absolutely insane, sometimes at the same time.
I could prattle on forever with quotes from literature or movies about love and how profound it is. I could compare our love to that of the greats, the idols of romantic relationships, but none of that really seems accurate.

I think the biggest misconception is that marriages have to be perfect in order to be considered “good” or “successful.” But trying to force perfection is a surefire way to ruin the best of things. We don’t expect perfection of each other. I know there are things we will never agree on (bananas are gross, just stop.) We know that we both have hobbies aside from what we enjoy doing together. All of this is more than okay. It’s great! We are able to maintain our individuality within our marriage. At the same time we have so much that we enjoy doing with each other.

He is my whole heart. I love him with every ounce of me. If you’re reading this, Joe, I hope you know how much more I love you every single day.
Here’s to all the years we’ve had and to many more to come.
This post was originally shared on 21 October 2017 back when this blog was on Wordpress. I took a long haitus to work on my mental health and decided that Blogger was a more manageable platform, so I am migrating posts here so I don't lose everything. I look forward to creating new content in a no-pressure context! xoxo, Gabby
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