Dress // Ralph Lauren Denim & Supply
Shoes // BONGO
Belt // thrifted
Purse // Kate Spade New York
It was really great to be back, but very weird at the same time. Looking around at roads that were still very familiar and seeing everything that had changed, all the businesses that had been closed entirely or replaced, the people that we saw still hanging around...
Don't get me wrong, Beaufort will always hold a very special place in my heart. Most of my life I lived there. It's where Joe and I met, fell in love, got engaged and married.... its where I sang with an amazing choir in high school, and where I always wanted to return to when we moved away when I was 9. Now, I'm just glad we left. It's one of those towns that sucks you in, and you end up... well, stuck. Going back after more than a year and a half away only confirmed that I don't ever want to live there again full-time. Too much has changed, and none of it in the way I always hoped.
I think Beaufort for me will always be one of those towns better as a memory and in small doses. I'll always have a part of me that wants to return, but I can fully acknowledge and accept that it will never be as great as I remember it being once.
And that's okay.
This post was originally shared on 19 June 2017 back when this blog was on Wordpress. I took a long haitus to work on my mental health and decided that Blogger was a more manageable platform, so I am migrating posts here so I don't lose everything. I look forward to creating new content in a no-pressure context! xoxo, Gabby
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