Thursday, January 17, 2019

Real Techniques Everyday Essentials VoxBox

It seems like Influenster always knows when I need something, because just when I had been talking to a friend about my makeup brushes not doing the job right, I get an email a week later saying I was approved for this Real Techniques campaign. Coincidence? I dunno. What do you think, NSA agent listening in through my cell phone?

The point is, I got 4 new makeup brushes and a blending sponge complimentary from Influenster. The following review is my own honest opinion and in my own words.

I'd like to preface by saying that I am by no means a beauty guru. I love makeup but I will not pretend to know all the technicalities and jargon that makeup artists do. I do my makeup for fun and for everyday use, so I rarely get experimental, so this review is very much based on my average everyday 20-something point of view.

The only brush that I really don't get a lot of use out of is the RT 402 Setting Brush. It doesn't seem to do any good for what I would need it for, and I usually end up just using an alternate brush.
 I think my favorite is the RT 300 Deluxe Crease Brush. This brush is M A G I C. I have always had the absolute worst time blending my eyeshadow, and I either end up with gross harsh lines or a muddy nasty blob on my lids. This brush is one I would have to immediately get replaced if something happened to mine!

The RT 400 Blush brush doesn't technically get used for blush, since I don't wear blush. Instead, this is what I use to apply any powder highlight! It works great too disperse it where I want and blend it to look natural.

The blending sponge is AMAZING. It's just soft enough so I don't feel like I am getting punched in the face every time I apply foundation, but does a great job of creating a even blend!

You can see me using some of these brushes in my Insta Stories Highlights under Beauty!



P.S. Want to get in on free goodies from great brands? You can use my referral link to sign up for Influenster and start getting selected for boxes you'll love

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